Thursday, December 20, 2007

So it's been a little while... first of all, i just want to say that the most beautiful place on earth is the Burmese-Thai border where we are staying. This terrible computer wont let Josh put up any pictures, so you'll have to wait. I can tell you that i swam to Burma and made it back alive. We visited a Karen village. I'm trying to think of how to describe's kind of like a ghetto, but in bamboo huts. It's in the middle of a Thai village, but the Thai government doesnt want them there, so they arent allowed to have electricity. The roofs of their houses are made of leaves and everything else (litteraly everything) is bamboo. These people don't have papers, so they cant go to the refugee camps. They cant go back to their country because the Burmese government will try to kill them. The men do whatever work they can for almost no pay (60 Bhat - $2 a DAY). This is who we are going to help. We got a Thai-Karen translator and Pastor Manat translated English from Thai for us (kinda a process). We want them to eventually be self sustaining, so we're going to do some stuff to help them (I wont bore you with the details).

After that we took a motor-bike ride through some sketchy dirt trail/road thing. I was pretty fun, but the village wasnt what we're looking for. On the way back, Josh and I decided to take our motor bike (Josh was driving and i'm sure they arent made for 2 full-sized american men) through a river crossing. Let's just say it ended with waist-deep water and us fishing the bike out. I'm not a mechanic, but i doubt that's good for the engine. I truck came by literally 30 seconds after we got the water out of the exhaust pipes and the guy happens to have the exact tools (keep in mind we are in the middle of freakin no where) to take apart the engine compartment and drains another liter of water. It started, ran, and we drove it for the next 3 days. Thanks God.

Next day, we visited a church that they are trying to build (dont have the money). They have the support logs and the roof, but no walls or floor. by the way, the columns were brought off the mountain by elephants. We're going to pay for it to get completed and get electricity. Pastor Steven (this little rad Thai guy that we swear is our gaurdian angel/ninja) is going to live there and pastor this village. It's going to be cool.

Thats all for now. I have a madly infected ankle burn from a motor bike, so pray God heals that before it gets gangrenous. I took a picture 3 days ago and it looks way worse now.

I should have labeled this post. Sorry, but it's James. Aj is fine. Thank you Aj's family for all of your concern. My sister/doc gave me a joyous cornacopioa of antibiotics to get, so hopefully the infection will subside soon.


Faith Comes By Hearing said...

Hi sweetie,

I'm sending everyone I know to the blog site so they can read up and pray. Everyone is excited for you guys. Your adventures and what God is showing you is awesome. We are praying for that narly sore...but when ever u can get some kind of ointment...please do! Love u and miss u. Our God be with u!

Faith Comes By Hearing said...

Get the foot looked at by a medical person soon. Things get really infected in the jungle areas and you don't want to let it go.

We have a non drama Karen recording but plan to do a drama recording to be smuggled in to Burma. Keeping you guys in prayer and the Blog helps. Dad

Kat-trina said...

Go to the doctor hun...that sore does not look good. I love you and Im thinking and praying for you daily!

Jeyra said...

Same advice as everyone else. It's so awesome that you've found the place God was sending you! I wanna help build a Thai church! I also kinda wanna ride an elephant... Hugs and kisses to you, hermano!

David said...

That's a good one James. Hopefully Rebekah made it abundantly clear that you should not horse around with this wound. Pretty sure that the number of one-legged kick-boxers and one-legged basket-ball dunkers is the same number - zero. Be smart - come back whole.
Looking forward to pictures of the people and places that God is leading you to.

Faith Comes By Hearing said...

Hey you guys,

It's amazing how some of the poorest people live in areas of the greatest beauty and are the friendliest. Pretty amazing all of the experiences you all are having, people you are meeting. How's your Thia--- learning more words and phrases? AJ's Dad